A 3 DAY LIVE EVENT FOR WOMEN WHO refuse to take "No" for an answer on their way to achieving their audacious goals

Ignite Your Power as A High Performing Leader to Unlock Wealth In Every Area of Your Life

July 23rd-25th, 2024

Canandaigua, NY

Leaders & Business Owners from around the world

If you’re looking for another snooze fest conference… this isn’t it.

The Empowered Women's Leadership Conference has been designed to bring you 3 explosive days to stop playing small & re-wire your identity to completely transform & unlock wealth in EVERY area of your life.

Because the truth is…

You've got the career, the house, the family & relationship of your dreams.

You’ve hit the milestones... you've accomplished more than you ever imagined.

You’re all in, you’re no stranger to hard work or going above & beyond for your goals.


You can’t turn off. You're waking up at 5am thinking about that project and “how much needs to get done."

You’re sitting at home on alone on your laptop at every night & weekend watching everybody else live their lives thinking "This isn’t the life I imagined..."

You can’t remember the last time you got a good nights sleep, felt rested, or even took the time the go to the gym.

You're moving big to build your empire, but by the end of the day you just want to collapse. And you'll repeat all over again tomorrow.

It's not like you NEED the validation, because you move no matter what… but you secretly are craving for someone to look you in the eyes and tell you “you’re crushing it."

What if you could IGNITE the most powerful, high-performing version of yourself in just 3 days?

You know you’re meant for more.

More impact. More fulfillment. More passion. More set your soul on fire energy. More travel. More experiences…

But can’t even imagine how it would fit in your already overflowing schedule.

Somehow your life has taken a back seat to your vision.

The house, the cars, the money, the are meaningless if you’re burnt out, exhausted, unfulfilled…

You’re ready to get back in the driver's seat and take control of your LIFE.

"Working with Donna Marie has helped me in more ways than I could even begin to to say. This program has helped me mentally and physically be a better leader. I am very thankful I came across this program."

Liza Jacobs


  • You’re days are seamless… You're in the zone, your calendar is filled with YOUR priorities because you’re getting twice the work done in half the time because you cleaned up your boundaries, standards & have systems in place to streamline your workflow

  • Taking that vacation, 3 day weekend, or a spontaneous road trip without worrying or stressing about “everything you have to do” because you have multiple streams of income working for you (even when you're not "on")

  • Waking feeling energized, excited, and so supported by the people around you. You bring a powerful presence to every room you walk in. People feel your magnetism the moment you step in the room. You're known, respected, and remembered. You lead with vision & influence (and you attract the most incredible clients, relationships & opportunities because of it)

  • Igniting your influence & exploding your impact by packaging your leadership message into a that book you've been wanting to write, or a signature talk to share from stages (doubling, tripling, or quadrupling your income because of it).

This is not just a dream –it's your new reality...

Because "building wealth" isn't just about money, cars, houses, & investments. It's about feeling fulfilled in every area of your life.

And that's exactly what you can expect at the end of our 3 days together when you unleash the higher performing leader that lives inside of you

...with hundreds of other Sister Leaders by your side.

"Working with Donna Marie has been a game changer. She provides solutions and pushes me to work in different ways and to do better each time we meet. I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her. She is worth her weight in gold!"

Dr. Saundra Russell Smith



Before I became a best selling author, and successful entrepreneur scaling to 7-figures…

I had just built a school from nothing, growing from 192-500 students in a short period of time, developing curriculum, policies & procedures.

Leading from love, passion & mission, I developed a culture within the leadership team & student body.

Even though the school was a wild success, my family was falling apart.

I was working 14 hour days, my face was buried in my laptop every waking moment at home.

Everything changed when my husband looked me in the eye, with raw emotion, he shared…

"I didn't sign up for this."

“Credit card?” I asked. 

“No...This life.

In that moment time slowed down and my life began to flash before my eyes. 

My family was suffering. My marriage was suffering. My health was suffering. I was on the brink of burnt out... I felt under appreciated... like a shell of myself.

I didn’t get married at 33, have fertility issues, and pump myself full of hormones to get pregnant & keep my pregnancies to lose my family over this. 

And in this pivotal moment I realized something truly life-changing…

You’re not a high performing leader if your health, family, and relationships are suffering.

In that defining moment, I began to unleash a level of power and that would transform not only my life, but countless others. 

This marked the beginning of my high performance journey.

With the mindset, tools & systems I discovered, I have been able to do 2x the work in 1/2 the time, allowing me to write 3 best selling books, built a multi 6-figure business.

All while prioritizing my health, happiness, and deepening my relationship with my husband, kids, family & community.

Today, I'm on a mission to empower women everywhere to step into their versions of high performance leadership.

By the end of this experience you'll...

Effortlessly manage stress and eliminate burnout, doubling your productivity...

Wake up every day feeling vibrant, healthy, and ready to tackle any challenge...

Shape & monetize your leadership message, doubling your income...

In order to unlock Wealth in all areas of your life, you need to activate your power as a high performing leader.

"She [Dr. Donna Marie Cozine] gave me the tools to accept a position that immediately made me an additional $20,000."

Heidi Jones

Empowered Women's Leadership Conference was designed for trailblazing women in leadership who are…

Focused on winning BIG and refuse to settle for average

Looking for ways to be 2x more productive while working less & getting paid more

Eager to shape & monetize your leadership mission & message as a speaker or author

Looking to grow & scale your team, income or business

Eager to lay the groundwork for your next level of success

Excited to network & connect with influential, powerful women

Eliminate burnout, effortlessly manage Stress & feel on fire in every season

Confident this is the year to build wealth for you & your family

“I can still work a 12 to 16 hour day with the same energy I did in my 30s and 40s. I sleep better sleep, I eat better, and even my cognitive abilities are much better.”

Laurie Campbell

Countdown to Empowered Women's Leadership Conference



Donna Marie is a school founder, author, speaker, podcast host, executive coach & former principal/school CEO. She's built a thriving business while balancing family life & managing a charter school with a $7 Million budget, while writing 3 best selling books.

She's ready to help you go from overworked & exhausted to savvy & streamlined, doing twice the work in half the time... and guide you step-by-step to your next career or income milestone, even outlining that book you you've been wanting to write.


Donna Marie is a school founder, author, speaker, podcast host, executive coach & former principal/school CEO who helps overworked and exhausted leaders establish work-life harmony so they can lead their organizations without sacrificing their families, lives, or sanity.

She's built a thriving business while balancing family life & managing a $9Million budget, while writing 3 best selling books, including her most recent,

Break Up with Burnout: A Blueprint for Female Educational Leaders to Achieve Work-Life Harmony.


Amber is Certified Functional Medicine Coach and Physician Assistant who's helped 100s of busy professionals to 7X their energy & feel confident in their bodies.

She's helping you "Hack Your Hormones," so you can re-claim your energy, feeling like you're in your 20s again... even while working 12+ hour days, and balancing, life, family or business.


Award-winning designer turned soulful business strategist & founder of the Six Figure Speaker System™, Ally has coached & consulted early stage entrepreneurs to billion dollar brands (like Sanrio, Heineken, and TaylorMade Golf) – helping her clients generate over $4M in sales.

She's helping step into your power as a speaker, shape your leadership voice, and package your expertise into a signature talk that you can share from stage, exploding your impact & influence.

Award-winning designer turned soulful business strategist & founder of the Six Figure Speaker System™, Ally has coached & consulted early stage entrepreneurs to billion dollar brands (like Sanrio, Heineken, and TaylorMade Golf) – helping her clients generate over $4M in sales.

Even though she used to be deathly afraid of public speaking, she now speaks on stages around the world, using speaking as a portal to help women unlock new levels of confidence, power, & leadership to build an iconic brand, business and LIFE.

Award-winning designer turned soulful business strategist & founder of the Six Figure Speaker System™, Ally has coached & consulted early stage entrepreneurs to billion dollar brands (like Sanrio, Heineken, and TaylorMade Golf) – helping her clients generate over $4M in sales.

Even though she used to be deathly afraid of public speaking, she now speaks on stages around the world, using speaking as a portal to help women unlock new levels of confidence, power, & leadership to build an iconic brand, business and LIFE.


Award-winning designer turned soulful business strategist & founder of the Six Figure Speaker System™, Ally has coached & consulted early stage entrepreneurs to billion dollar brands (like Sanrio, Heineken, and TaylorMade Golf) – helping her clients generate over $4M in sales.

Even though she used to be deathly afraid of public speaking, she now speaks on stages around the world, using speaking as a portal to help women unlock new levels of confidence, power, & leadership to build an iconic brand, business and LIFE.


Mindset mentor for 8-figure coaching company generating $150M in client revenue, Samantha helps you you skyrocket your success by shattering glass ceilings caused by imposter syndrome, money mindset & more.

She's going to be laser-coaching you to immediately remove any subconscious blocks keeping you from receiving more wealth.

“This is one of the best decisions that I have ever made for myself as a leader.”

Ruth Tolbert

What you'll experience at

the Empowered Women's Leadership Conference...


Welcome & Networking Party

Any stress you have will dissolve immediately as soon as you set your eyes on the the breathtaking natural beauty of the Finger Lakes Region.

Tuesday evening will kickoff with a networking party. You'll connect with powerful women in leadership & business form around the world, setting your soul on fire surrounded by other sister leaders.

Walk into a room full of strangers, leave with your new best friend or business partner.


Opening Day Speakers

& Workshops

From the moment you walk into the Empowered Women's Leadership Conference you will feel like you're at home.

You’ll experience speakers interactive & workshops and implementation sessions to Ignite your next level of leadership & wealth...

And build unshakable confidence& conviction along the way.

DAY 2 - Wednesday, JULY 24

Speakers, Workshops, Farewell Party &

VIP Dinner

You’ll experience speakers & workshops to shape you into a high performing leader people LOVE to follow.

Become the woman who can navigate the challenges of "holding it all" (in your business, career, family) and still have time to prioritize YOU.

We'll connect to celebrate the collective transformations at a farewell party with all ticket holders.

VIP attendees will gather at an exclusive dinner & cocktail party (this is where the REAL conversations, connections, & partnerships are formed).

DAY 3 - Thursday, JULY 25

VIP Only

Kick off your most profitable year yet inside your VIP Day with Donna Marie, Amber, Ally, & Sam.

Whether you want to outline your book, package your leadership message into a signature talk, or plan your path to your next level of profit - we got you covered.

You'll learn the secrets to streamline your projects while getting 2x done in 1/2 the time.

Get personalized mentorship as you bring your vision to life in real time.

NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would have such a wonderful transformation in 6 months and I am so glad I started when I did. In a year from now I see a whole new person coming out of my cocoon."

Deb Miller



Ignite your power as a high perming leader & build wealth with hundreds of other Sister Leaders!

Limited ticket quantities in each tier, prices increase as ticket tiers sell out. Save money and grab your ticket early!




  • Virtual Pre-Party

  • 2 Day Event Access

  • Farewell Party

  • Cocktail hour

  • On site Lunch

  • Swag Bag

  • Grab & Go Coffee and Snacks

  • Priority Seating

  • 2 VIP Breakfasts

  • Digital Business Card for networking

  • 1:1 Leadership Strategy Session

  • Lifetime access to Keynote slides

  • Private Q&A with Speakers

  • Professional Headshots

  • On Site Body Work

  • VIP Pre-Event Lounge

  • VIP Networking Luncheon

  • VIP Day July 25th

  • VIP Dinner on July 24th

  • VIP room Access

  • VIP Pre-Event Mixer with Speakers

  • 1:1 Success Plan Coaching Session

  • 1:1 Leadership Strategy Session

  • 30-60-90 Day Success Plan

  • Signed copy of Breakup with Burnout by DMC

  • After Event Access to Online On-Demand Training Vault



  • Virtual Pre-Party

  • 2 Day Event Access​​

  • On site Lunch

  • Cocktail hour

  • Farewell Party

  • Swag Bag

  • Grab & Go Coffee and Snacks

  • Priority Seating

  • 2 VIP Breakfasts

  • Digital Business Card for networking

  • ​1:1 Leadership Strategy Session

  • Lifetime access to Keynote slides

  • Private Q&A With Speakers

  • Professional Headshots

  • On Site Body Work

  • VIP Q&A with Speakers

  • VIP Pre-Event Lounge

  • VIP Networking Luncheon

  • VIP Day July 25th

  • VIP Dinner on July 24th

  • VIP room Access

  • VIP Pre-Event Mixer with Speakers

  • 1:1 Success Plan Coaching Session

  • 1:1 Leadership Strategy Session

  • 30-60-90 Day Success Plan

  • Signed copy of Breakup with Burnout by DMC

  • After Event Access to Online On-Demand Training Vault



  • Virtual Pre-Party

  • 2 Day Event Access​​

  • On site Lunch

  • Cocktail hour

  • Farewell Party

  • Swag Bag

  • Grab & Go Coffee and Snacks

  • Priority Seating

  • 2 VIP Breakfasts

  • Digital Business Card for networking

  • ​1:1 Leadership Strategy Session

  • Lifetime access to Keynote slides

  • Professional Headshots

  • Q&A With Speakers

  • On Site Body Work

  • VIP Pre-Event Lounge

  • VIP Networking Luncheon

  • VIP Day July 25th

  • VIP Dinner on July 24th

  • VIP room Access

  • VIP Pre-Event Mixer with Speakers

  • 1:1 Success Plan Coaching Session

  • 1:1 Leadership Strategy Session

  • 30-60-90 Day Success Plan

  • Signed copy of Breakup with Burnout by DMC

  • After Event Access to Online On-Demand Training Vault

Want to speak in front of 200 high performing, influential leaders & entrepreneurial women?

Attend the conference as a speaker to spotlight your brand! Skyrocket your brand awareness, increase business opportunities, and get unmatched industry exposure.

Speakers will be added to the conference lineup, marketing materials, and get exclusive access to feature your brand in front of in person & online audiences.

Empowered Women's Leadership Conference is for...

Coaches, Mentors, & Teachers

CEOs, Executives, Professionals, & C-Suite Leaders

Women Leading Teams & Organizations

Current & Aspiring Authors & Speakers

Team Members & Business Partners

Your Clients & Community


Women Who Know They're Meant to Make a Bigger Impact

We are Sister Leaders.

We are redefining what it means to be a woman in leadership.

We are empowering women to claim the life that’s meant for them.

We are becoming better mothers, partners, daughters, friend, & spouses.

We are reshaping the paradigm of equality for women in business & leadership.

We are going first, and setting an example to shape future generations of leaders.

This is more than an event... this is a movement.

“The fact that she’s a female leader is why I went to her specifically…because it’s different being a female leader."

Leticia Oseguera

Prepare to RISE together... in...


Join us in the Breathtaking Finger Lakes

  • You'll experience a backdrop of Mother Nature's best work, from waterfalls to rolling hills to miles of spectacular shoreline around 11 glacial lakes & a Great Lake

  • The Finger Lakes Region is known for its breathtaking scenery, outdoor activities, wineries & craft breweries… whatever you like to do, you'll find it in abundance in the Finger Lakes.

  • 44 Minutes to Rochester airport

Meet your Host, Dr. Donna Marie Cozine

DMC is the best-selling author of three books based on her own leadership experiences and her coaching of other leaders to Achieve Work-Life Harmony.

She focuses on developing high performing leaders by igniting personal power, prioritizing self-care, creating and nurturing healthy boundaries, and identifying and honoring personal priorities.  

After applying her own proven high performing leadership frameworks, she went from being on the brink of burn out, with her family falling apart, to having the time, energy, & vision to write 3 best selling books, start a consulting business (which she's currently scaling to 7-figures), prioritize her health, growing a real estate portfolio, while working a 9-5 and prioritizing her family & children.

She's on a mission to empower women around the world to step into their most powerful leadership identities while giving them the tools to accomplish their most audacious goals without burning our or sacrificing their happiness.

Meet your Co-Host, Amber Bender PA-C

Amber is the founder of Amber Bender Wellness. She takes women on a journey of healing their mindset and relationship with eating. She helps create an entirely different perspective of nutrition, work-life harmony and helps women achieve it.

Amber's background as a Critical Care Physician's Assistant enables her to work with women on their functional health. Together they take a deep dive into how their bodies function and help them fuel their bodies for optimal health and wellness.

Already having helped thousands of people Amber has set her sights on helping high achieving women create wellness practices that will not just extend their lives but enrich them as well!

Here's everything you need to know about the Empowered Women's Leadership Conference...

What makes this event Unique?

The Empowered Women’s Leadership Conference has one goal and one goal ONLY…to enable you to break through your ceiling and create more WEALTH in your life, both personally and professionally. To do this we have brought together some of the industries biggest names and true trailblazers to bring to you an event that we KNOW will be absolutely life changing for anyone who attends!

What are the event dates & times?

Two Day In Person Event date: Tuesday, July 23rd - Wednesday July 24th

Monday, July 22nd 4:00-7:00

Early Check-in and Cocktail Party:

Tuesday, July 23rd

VIP Breakfast: 8:00-9:00
General Check-in: 8:45-9:00

General Session: 9:00 - 4:00

Evening Event: 6:00

(for Platinum and Diamond Ticketholders)

Wednesday, July 24th

VIP Breakfast: 8:00-9:00

General Check-in: 8:45-9:00

General Session: 9:00 - 4:00

VIP Dinner: 7:00

(for Diamond Ticket Holders)

Thursday, July 25th

VIP Day for Diamond Ticket Holders

Breakfast: 9:00

Farewell Event: 3:00

Where is the event venue?

Empowered Women Lead Con 2024 will be held at Finger Lakes Community College in Canandaigua, NY, in the Finger Lakes region. The Finger Lakes region is a four-season playground. Known for its breathtaking scenery, outdoor activities, wineries and craft breweries… no matter what you like to do, you'll find it in abundance in the Finger Lakes. 

Which airport do I fly into?

Rochester Airport is 45 minutes by car

Syracuse Airport is 70 minutes by car

Where should I stay?

Ticket holders will also have access to a pre-event Facebook group when they can network and may find people with whom they can share an AirBnB.

Hotels nearby:

The Lake House 770 S Main St, Canandaigua, NY 14424; website

Hotel Canandaigua, Tapestry Collection by Hilton 205 Lakeshore Dr, Canandaigua, NY 14424; website

Holiday Inn Express Canandaiagua-Finger Lakes 330 Eastern Blvd, Canandaigua, NY 14424; website

What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you feel like your best self. We want you to be comfortable and confident. This is a judgement free zone created for women, by women.

If you're in the VIP day, feel free to bring a change of clothes for your professional headshots on the VIP day.

Will food be provided?

We will provide coffee, water, lunch, and snacks to all participants for the two days. Meals have been chosen by Amber Bender of Amber Bender Wellness to be sure we are nourishing our bodies and spirits. There will be an onsite VIP breakfast for Platinum and Diamond ticketholders.

Can I bring my team, business partner or biz bestie?

We highly encourage brining a business partner or biz bestie! If you are traveling with 2 or more people, reach out to us directly for a special group rate.

Will there be a virtual stream or a replay?

This is a one-time, in-person immersive experience. The transformations we will take you through during the event can not be replicated online. There will be no virtual event, there will be no replay. 

Do you offer refunds on the ticket?

There are no refunds available on ticket purchases.

Any other questions?

Email dmcozine@consultdmc.com with any additional questions!

© Consult DMC, Inc., 2024/ All Rights Reserved.
Need help? Email dmcozine@consultdmc.com

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